Saturday, June 15, 2013

Summer of Learning- 2.0- Week 1

Week 1- Learning 2.0 for D113 has launched!

Class is underway.  Remember, this summer, the class will be running at a fast pace of double-time.  Week 1 includes a look at Life Long Learning, Shifts in Education to a drive for 21st Century teaching and learning and getting started with your blog.

We'll be working in several different platforms during this class to expose you to a variety of resources.  We'll be using Google +, Edmodo, Blogger, Google Sites and Wikispaces. 

Each week will start off with a blog post to let you know that the new resources are ready to be viewed and to prompt you to move forward.  The blog post can be viewed directly from this link and we will also be sharing blogs via a Google+ community (in week 2).
Here is a list for week 1

Week 1- June 17
Blog Post
  • Activity 0 - (REGISTRATION) Learn about the course, open a Gmail account and install Google Chrome (this must be done by March 4th)
  • Activity 1- Review some strategies for Lifelong Learning
  • Activity 2 - Learn a bit about Web 2.0, and Why it Matters
  • Activity 3- Start Blogging 

It's important to keep pace with your classmates because there is a conversation going on throughout the course.  Each week you will post to your own blog and comment on the blogs of others.  Links to other blogs will be accessible via this blog and will also be shared in our Google+ community.

Course resources are found on the District 113 Learning 2.0 Wiki and a course tracking sheet was shared with you via your Google Drive.

Please, contact me via email, phone or google hangout/chat if you are stuck at any time during the course. 

Good luck, explore and have fun!